Top 4 Of the Best Contraceptives
You are sexually active, but you are not ready to manage a pregnancy? Don't worry! Let's discover different methods which may help you plan your ideal moment and keep you healthy. The condom It is a flexible sleeve made of latex. Its use consists on avoiding the transmission of sexual fluids between two persons during a sexual intercourse. There is a type of condom for women and another type for men. For men, it must be rolled onto their penis. But for woman, it should be placed into their vagina. It is an excellent contraceptive because apart from preventing undesired pregnancy, it also helps to avoid STDs. Condoms can be bought in a pharmacy without a medical prescription and is free of hormone. The oral contraceptive pill It is a little tablet that must be taken once a day. There are...
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Top 3 advantages of a chatbot for a company
For some time now, chatbots have become irreplaceable tools for websites and applications to integrate interactions more easily. Are you hesitating to invest in a chatbot? That's understandable, but for many companies it's worth it. This article provides information on the advantages of having a chatbot. Chatbots give your company a voice If contact with your customers is infrequent or almost impossible, setting up a chatbot is a great opportunity to shape your brand image. Some companies use a chatbot as their company mascot. Mascots are therefore easily memorable and attract the attention of customers. Read more tips here. Chatbots also allow your company to be creative, so you have full control over the flow of its conversations, the tone it uses, its voice, its name and its...